Background and Qualifications
- Gavin and LaVigne (successor firm to Tyll & LaVigne) was founded in 1981 as a boutique firm specializing in HUD-insured loans for healthcare facilities.
- Our current staff have more than 70 years of combined HUD financing experience for hospitals, more than any other firm in the country.
- Since 1997 our current staff has been the investment bankers for over 50 HUD-insured healthcare projects totaling nearly $6 billion on both a taxable and tax-exempt basis.
- Since 1981 our firm has only had one client turned down by HUD for mortgage insurance.
- Our firm has never had a client default on an HUD-insured loan that resulted in a claim.
- Our firm practices a boutique firm approach, taking on only a few clients at a time so we can offer the highest level of service. Senior bankers attend project meetings and are involved in every aspect of the financing, including selection and coordination of the architect, construction manager, environmental and feasibility consultants.
- We offer a much broader array of services than our competitors. We become your project’s finance manager, guiding the efforts of the hospital’s various consultants to ensure that the financing closes on schedule.
- The senior banker that originates the loan and understands your project will service the loan during the construction period and for the 25-year amortization period thereafter.